Whilst I totally agree with the jubilee nature of your conclusion I fear that you are not entirely correct when recalling history.
What your state used to happen was something that was supposed to happen but never did. That’s why the Old Testament is full of prophets condemning behaviour.
The reality was that jubilee was rarely historically enforced and taxes usually lined the rulers pockets. The ruler often had the most slaves.
You are also unfairly maligning bankers. Many bankers are evil and their profession presents a great temptation to evil. The job and position though is not inherently evil. Banking is allowed within limits by the bible. For example you cannot repossess tribal land, only gain a limited lease on it.
Banking also allowed great leaps forward in quality of life and technology. Sometimes you need to borrow money to make a project work (that benefits all of society), in sums you would never be able to pay for. This too applies to history. For example borrowing money to build a silo or farming instrument.