Whilst I agree with much of what you are saying (particularly about the inflexibility of fundamentalists), I can’t help but think you are throwing the baby out with the bath water here. They go too far one way and you go too far the other.
The arguments about innerency are actually about authority and anchoring.
Christians need something that they can place above themselves or there is no anchor.
We cannot read the bible and decide which parts are wrong and which parts are right. That is idolatry of self, making a god of my own intellect. It allows us to decide what is right and wrong rather than God.
We therefore say that the bible is right and we are wrong whilst also understanding in the way you put it that it still needs an understanding both of context and the possibility of things like minor errors including grammar.
Without this I may as well give as much weight to your article as I do the bible.
Additionally your article could do with scriptural quotes or otherwise you merely preach to your own choir, an alternate form of circular reasoning.