Malthus made some specific predictions and was wrong. As a result he’s as discredited.
If your argument is that humans should be less greedy then great I am on board. If your argument is that we shouldn’t seek to make everyone’s life better through economic growth then I will remind you that you can only post this article because your predecessors disagreed and we now live in a time which is healthier, wealthier and less violent (per capita) than at any other point in recorded history.
If you are worried about sustainability from limited resources then again, I can applaud that. The van population is due to cap naturally at 10 billion without mass starvation or population control.
Humanity may draw on its overdraft for a bit but a future does exist and has been successfully postulated by scientists and economists where almost all energy and its derivatives comes from renewables (which are now economic), leaving a situation where it’s possible to transition to a sustainable model, assuming we have destroyed the climate too much by that point.