I want to say first how impressed I am at your thoughtful and kind articles. You are very inclusive, thank you. And kind to your readers.
This is a good article and I can agree with almost all of it. Possibly all of it. Your example is very good as well. It is nice to find so much overlap.
For me personally when it comes to the bible if I thought I was doing something contrary to the bible I would assume that the Holy Spirit speaking through the bible was right and I was wrong.
I am definitely no fundamentalist though, I would still apply context and hermeneutics which is why I know enough to fundamentally disagree with the American Christian nationalist right on a number of issues.
It is also why I have no issue with not following a set of commands issued to the nation of Israel in the Pentateuch.
The irony in all this is that despite your belief that the bible contains flaws, you appear to be following it more closely (in my ‘no major flaw’ view) than many others who claim otherwise.