Dave Watkins
Jan 29, 2022

I have to say I am disappointed to see you mix up evangelicals and the prosperity gospel. I would describe myself as evangelical (not American) and me and many of my peers view the prosperity gospel as heresy. I will have nothing to do with Osteen et al.

Although more easily done I am also sad to see you mix up evangelicalism with fundamentalism.

I recommend checking out this article by Tim Keller with some very good definitions about half way down: https://quarterly.gospelinlife.com/the-decline-of-evangelicalism/

Suffice to say I agree with the idea that a lot of the people you mention are not living up to the apostle Pauls standards (yes he wrote his attributed letters despite what another commentator suggests). Although they like the label I do not see most of the people you describe as classic evangelicals given what they say.

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