Bezos is hardly guilt free but there is a point here: it is not appropriate for someone to attack the queen on the basis of what the British government has done. Attacking a well loved monarch who was respected and did almost everything in service and duty reflects badly on the attacker.
The queen was the head of state not just a random rich woman whose skin colour is irrelevant by the way. She should be compared to other heads of state like presidents not to random rich people you don’t like or you feel aren’t pulling their weight. In that job she performed very well, far better than comparable peers.
The British government has done all manner of appalling things and are right to be attacked for them. The Queen though is not responsible for any of it and attacks on her are a sad reflection much more so on those who attack her who perhaps have a combination of unresolved issues they need to work through or are simply trolling or trying to score cheap political points.
This is not that dissimilar to anyone protesting at a funeral. If a person cannot even wait for a few weeks until mourning moves into reflection then we know where the issue lies.